creative design / creative management

email me

As a creative entrepreneur - i conceive new ideas and bring them to life

residential design and development interactive design scenic design art works

Interactive - 1995 to Present
Once a creative - always a creative.
Bill is now in the process of launching a new website that allows the end user to apply their ideas or Bill's ideas to any image. Take a peek at

Owner - 2009 - Present
Creative Director, IA, Account Exec. Sales and Project Manager working with a group of creative Internet freelancers for various clients.

Daily Makeover HP

Creative Director – Giant Step Interactive [Leo Burnett] - NYC – 2000 to 2001
Interactive Creative Director, selling, creating and overseeing the production of Phillip Morris internet initiatives including a re-launch of the site [], the African-American Directory, PM Options, PM media, banners, and outbound e-mail campaigns.

Philip Morris Options
Aferican American

Associate Creative Director - Grey Interactive – NYC – 1998 to 2000
Interactive ACD selling, creating and leading all Interactive initiatives for the Wal-Mart Photo website, Wal-Mart Pharmacy website,, ING Direct, and others. Banner ads and other online e-mail initiatives for Wal-Mart, EdifaceRex, OneSoft. and which was an active design for from 1999 to 2011.

ING Direct
Power Chooser
Ediface Rex
Compaq Pitch

Information Architect - Ogilvy Interactive – NYC - 1998
Architecting and organizing a 35,000 page broken website for re-launch

Creative Director - – NYC – 1998.

Creative Director-New Media / CSC- Falls Church, VA  1997
Led extranet outsourcing projects for AT&T., State of Connecticut, General Motors which amounted in 40m worth of business for CSC

Owner / Wishfish - Wash. DC 1995 - 1998
Early Interactive design agency. Sales, creative direction, account management, production and  project management. Clients included, Letitia Baldrige, MapQuest, the US Postal Service, Goodwill Communications, Reuters NewMedia, Timothy White and the Bayonet Bros


residential design and development
interactive design
scenic design
art work





